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SATs Information

SATs stands for “Standard Assessment Tests” though it can also stand for “Statutory Assessment Tests”. They take place across primary schools in England every year. 

Children take their SATs in Year 2 (at the end of Key Stage 1) and Year 6 (at the end of Key Stage 2).

Key Stage 1 SATs Tests

Key Stage 1 SATs take place in May when children are in Year 2. They test children’s skills in maths and English reading (plus an optional test in grammar, punctuation and spelling). There is also a teacher assessment in writing. They are informal national curriculum tests. They are not strictly timed, take place in a normal classroom setting and they are marked by the child’s teacher.

Key Stage 2 SATs Tests

Key Stage 2 SATs take place in May when children are in Year 6. They test children’s skills in maths, English reading and grammar, punctuation and spelling. There are also teacher assessments in writing and science.

KS2 SATs are much more formal than KS1 SATs. These national curriculum tests are formally timed, there’s a nation-wide exam timetable and the exams are sent off to be marked externally.

Please take a look at our parent SATs presentation documents along with other useful documents below: