School Meals
We are very fortunate to have all of our school meals prepared on site. Our catering provider is Nourish. School meals are free for children in Year R, 1 and 2. Children in Ark Nursery, Years 3,4,5 and 6 can pay for school meals using our online payment system. Meals are currently £2.70.
Hot meals are provided each day with both a main and vegetarian option, pasta, jacket potato with various fillings or a filled roll. Below is the current school meals menu.
If you do not wish your child to have a school lunch, you can provide a packed lunch from home. This should include healthy options, and must not contain chocolate bars and other confectionary, or fizzy drinks. Please also note that due to severe allergies within our schools, we operate a nut free policy. Please do not bring in any products containing nuts or traces of nuts. Thank you.
If your child has a food allergy, please ensure the school are are informed. The kitchen will if possible, accommodate allergies.
Am I eligible to receive free school meals for my child?
If you are in receipt of any of the following benefits you may be eligible to receive free school meals for your child:
• Universal Credit – net earnings threshold of £7400 from April 2018
• Income Support
• Income-based Jobseekers Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance
• Child Tax Credit – net earnings threshold of £16190.00 from April 2018
• Guarantee element of pension credit
• Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
How to apply
Use the link below to apply and confirm your child’s eligibility for free school meals.
Or use the form attached and hand it back into the school office.
You only need to apply once for each child. If you are found to be eligible you will be notified.
If you are a family who previously received free school meals for your child then you should still be receiving these from us, unless these are Universal Free School Meals for EYFS-Year 2, in which case you will need to register.