At Thomas Bullock Primary Academy we believe that it is every child’s right to be offered a Physical Education that is challenging, fun and competitive. Therefore, we offer every child 2 hours of curriculum time PE per week.
The children are offered a wide range of sport in curriculum time and there are also a range of sporting clubs available throughout the year including football cricket, tennis, netball and gymnastics. We have recently achieved the GOLD award for PE which sets us out as a school that dedicates a great deal of time and effort to our physical education.
Through PE we can replicate many of our whole school values. Children regularly represent the school in a range of inter school and county competitions and in each event a values star is always chosen and celebrated in the following Friday Celebration Assembly.
Participation in PE and sport can improve a huge range of skills for children:
- Positive attitudes, attributes and physical skills.
- Fine motor skills.
- Health and wellbeing.
- Behaviour.
- Promotes inclusion and cohesion.
- Introduces competition and the concepts of winning and losing.
- Team work and listening skills.
Every year our school is allocated a sports premium budget. Details of the spending of this money and the impact of this can be found detailed below.