We are very fortunate, thanks to generous funding from the Thomas Bullock Trust and FOSS, to have our own school growing area – the TB school farm. We have a large poly tunnel and each class has a raised bed. The area is also used by the after school club. Classes can use this to enhance learning across the curriculum. At the end of the summer term the children also raised some money selling off the surplus produce.
We have continued to grow our school farm area by adding some fruit trees to our enclosed growing area as part of our Queens jubilee celebrations. We have also had a kind donation of trees from the woodland trust and have planted these with our gardening club on the edge of the school field.
Breckland Council have generously awarded us with a Green grant which has allowed us to add a permanent water source for watering our plants, create a larger wild flower area to encourage biodiversity, and add lots of new tools and bird houses around the school grounds. We have made plans for the next growing season and are excited for another fun year of growing!
Our hard work has also been recently recognised by the award of the RHS Level 3 School Gardening award!