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Our Federation Vision

Let your light shine’. Matthew 5:16

Let your light shine before men; that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

At The Nightingale Federation we do this by giving all children opportunities, skills and knowledge to make excellent progress; develop a range of skills for learning and life; have a positive attitude to challenges, themselves and others; to ‘be green’ and care for their environment now and in the future; show respect and have compassion and for their immediate environment, their community and the wider world; have high aspirations for what they can achieve; develop sporting and fitness skills and know how to live a healthy, happy life.

Our School Christian Values

Our school has twelve values with strong Christian links which form the foundation to everything we do at The Nightingale Federation. These values derive from our theologically rooted Christian vision of letting your light shine by the work carried out with the children, staff and community of the school, and form part of a two-year rolling programme of collective worship at our Academy.

We explore each value in depth each half term. Through collective worship we link our focus value to songs of praise, reflective practice, Christian bible lessons, spiritual development applied through teaching the ‘core sense of self’ and how these lessons impact upon our everyday lives.

Our school vision and the values the children learn about, help us to ensure that God is at the centre of our school: in the way we learn, play and thrive together.


British Values

British Values Statement