The Nightingale Federation

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Welcome to our fabulous Federation:

I am delighted to introduce you to our Federation website, which I hope will give you a brief insight into our wonderful schools, our Federation values, pupils and community.

Across our Federation our schools are regularly in the top 5th percentile Nationally and improve yearly in outcomes from Nursery to Year 6. We are fortunate that our space and size allows us to see all of our children as individuals and we believe in nurturing the whole child. We strive to fulfil not just their academic potential but their personal, spiritual, social, moral and cultural development through an exciting and stimulating environment.  We actively encourage pupils to ‘Let your Light Shine’ and be their best in everything do.

Our broad and balanced curriculum encourages high expectations of our school community and is interesting, active, engaging, challenging and relevant.  It is designed to develop not only each child’s full academic potential but also to help them to develop as well-rounded individuals that show care, compassion and respect to everyone in our school, local, national and global community.

We aim to provide stimulating well-resourced learning environments and expect the highest standards of work from all of our pupils.  Our creative environments are ever changing due to our spacious outdoor and internal spaces, an area we regularly develop further. Our pupils are fortunate to have large natural forest school areas at each school and forest school is taught regularly by qualified teachers and L3 Forest School Practitioners.

Across the Federation, our Ofsted reports demonstrate our calm and purposeful learning environments.  Our children are polite and understand the vision and values of respect and kindness, therefore their behaviour towards each other and learning behaviour is excellent.

Our families are supportive and want the best for their children. The Friends of Shipdham School (FOSS) and Friends of Lyng School (FOLS) groups are active in their fundraising and provide enhanced opportunities for children and families. They both actively welcome additional support.

The curriculum does not end as the school day ends. We have opportunities for the children to participate in a range of clubs run by the teachers who volunteer their time generously and also a thriving before and after school wraparound childcare club.

Being a part of the Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust (DNEAT), our foundations are rooted in our strong Christian ethos and I hope, like me you can see our school is actively encouraging excellence from all. I know that children learn best in a community of praise, encouragement and challenge. Wellbeing and pastoral care are at the heart of what we do and our Federation SENDCO, Mental Health Leads and Pastoral Support are dedicated to ensuring excellent home-to-school support.

I am privileged to work with a dedicated and enthusiastic staff team, who do their best every day to offer the highest level of education and support for all children in our care. Our professional teaching and support staff are qualified and excellent! Our team are leading practice in our Federation, across our Trust, supporting excellence in Norfolk and Nationally through their shared practice.

If you are considering sending your child to one of our fabulous schools or our Nursery, so they too can ‘Let their Light Shine’, please get in touch.

Warmest regards,
Shannon O’Sullivan 
Executive Headteacher