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Thomas Bullock school uniformAt Thomas Bullock there is the expectation that every child will wear the approved uniform. We are proud of our uniform. The children look smart and ready to learn. Our logo represents the vibrant, team-based atmosphere that we all experience and it reminds us of our school values.

Uniform is available to order for all children from Nursery to Year 6. Our school and nursery uniform is available to order through Birds of Dereham. Click through to the ‘Junior and Primary’ section within the ‘Schools’ tab on the Birds website to find our range –, both our school and nursery uniforms are available to order through this site. They do have different logo’s and sizes available. Please ensure you are selecting the correct items before ordering.

Expected Uniform:

  • Navy blue school sweatshirt (£11.00), cardigan with logo (£12.50) or knitted cardigan with logo (£18.50)
  • White polo shirt (£8.00), white shirt or white blouse
  • Grey trousers, grey skirt, grey pinafore dress or grey shorts
  • Grey or navy tights
  • Black shoes
  • Navy blue gingham dress / playsuit for summer with knee or white ankle socks

Not accepted:

  • Hoodies, sleeveless tops, leggings
  • No slip-on shoes, coloured trainers, open toe sandals, high heels and no boots above the ankles
  • Nail varnish and make up

Jewellery – one small stud earring is permitted in each ear.

All children who have hair below shoulder length are to have it tied back in school at all times, including PE.

All children should keep a pair of wellies and waterproof over trousers / all in one for Forest School and wet play days. These should be kept in school.

Please make sure that all uniform and belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s name. 

What should my child wear for P.E.?

Thomas Bullock PE kit

Physical Literacy is as important at Thomas Bullock as Maths and English. So that all children are able to take part we have the following P.E. Uniform:

  • House coloured T-shirt only (£3.00)
  • Navy blue shorts or jogging bottoms
  • Trainers for outdoor lessons
  • Plimsoles or clean trainers for indoor lessons
  • No patterned or non-school logo kit are to be worn

Your children will be expected to remove and replace their own earrings during P.E lessons. We would therefore suggest that children wait until the six week summer holiday before having their ears pierced.