Year 4 - South America Class
Welcome to South America Class (Year 4)!
Miss Crane
Class Teacher
Mr Weston
Teaching Assistant
We are taught by Miss Crane and Mr Weston is our Teaching Assistant who supports us in class every day.
To support our learning both in and out of school we use Doodle Learning, which includes:
- Doodle Maths
- Doodle English
- Doodle Spell
- Doodle Tables
These interactive App’s are designed to revive previously learnt topics, fill in any gaps of weakness and build in new learning as and when the child is ready. You can download the App’s for free to use at home – Download apps | DoodleLearning
For Maths we also use Times Tables Rock Stars which can be accessed at home via
Below you will find some useful information about our class.
Click here to see what we are learning about this half term